Time again on VA forums I see the same request. "I'm just starting my business and want to know how to get clients". They get a number of responses and are often encouraged to read the archives of the forums for further information. I thought sharing via this blog might help those considering a career as a Virtual Assistant. Apart from the obvious requirements such as computer, internet connection, suitable software, good knowledge in how to use that software and suitable experience in … [Read more...]
Putting an Accent (Emphasis) on Your Business
I read today a newsletter that's just been published online for the VA industry. Had some great information in it - it's obviously tax time in the US! Along with it was a very useful article about how seriously VAs should take their businesses and the survey done in 2004 by the Brenner Information Group. The article is on page 6 of the newsletter (thanks Ramona). Please note that the figures quoted throughout the article are in USD and I believe a large number of those surveyed would have been … [Read more...]
Sad Week For Our Community
It was a sad week for the Virtual Assistant community with the passing of one of our very active leaders and participants in the Virtual Assistant industry. That lady was Janet Jordan, who was very well known amongst most of the VA chat forums and to many other aspiring VAs as well. Janet founded a training organisation to assist new VAs in the development of their businesses and many, many owed Janet so much. I never met Janet personally but had spoken to her via web conferencing (using … [Read more...]
What you think about!
A member of a VA chat forum mentioned that he was looking forward to going virtual fulltime and hoped it would happen by the end of this year (2006). His comment took me back about 14 or so years ago, to a mentor in my life who was also a doctor in psychosomatic medicine outside of our business connections. He taught me about the RAS. The reticular activation system (RAS) states that our minds are drawn towards what we think about. Have you noticed how when something in particular is on your … [Read more...]
It is the World WIDE Web!
I often have to remind people I converse with via email and chat forums, or perhaps those who write articles that are meant to be read widely, that we are in the WORLD Wide Web and not the Country Wide Web. In fact, I've kind of made it my personal quest so I hope in reading this it prompts you too, to think about this. What do I mean by that? Writers frequently forget that readers may be in a different country when they refer to a number of things such as currency, dates, temperatures, … [Read more...]
Happy New Year for 2006
Well, I've spent several (quiet) days exploring the world of blogs and a little the wiser now. I've added more links to the right of this blog and I also welcome those who have recently subscribed - please do let me know if you have anything you'd like to know about being a VA or using a VA. I've also started a family blog - for those of you who know me and/or members of my family. Or, perhaps you're just a bit curious about my life outside of my business. Anyway, I hope you've spent the … [Read more...]
Love/Hate Relationship With Quiet Times
Why is that when things are so hectically busy I long for a quiet time to start that new project or idea and then end up starting it anyway because I can't wait? It often means I'm on my computer till midnight to get it up and running, and then not being able to switch off my mind when I finally go to bed. And then when the quiet time does come (usually between Christmas and New Year, or just before the end of the financial year when people don't want to spend any more money) the 'new project' … [Read more...]
Why Use a VA?
Why would you use a Virtual Assistant? Consider the following: 1. You want or need regular or ad-hoc administrative support but don't have suitable office space, a spare desk, a spare computer, the relevant software, or perhaps you just highly value your space and don't want to share it. 2. You can't afford to pay for someone xx number of hours a week as well as their superannuation, taxes, workcover and other insurances, and leave loading. 3. You don't want to give someone else the key to … [Read more...]
Blogging for the general public – TAMT
I've been learning about Blogs for a couple of months now and joined a chat forum to learn more about it (see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ezinesandblogs/ if interested in joining). I want to see the Blog I write to be one that will assist those learning about the Virtual Assistant Industry to understand it better, what it is, how people can become a VA or how a client can use a VA. The chat forums available for VAs are very useful (see http://www.allianceforvirtualbiz.com for a list of VA … [Read more...]