I see VAs in many Facebook groups asking how they can find clients and that they've tried everything. The answers they often get are 'Facebook, LinkedIn' and other online places. For me it's not just about online but it is very much about where people can be found. Just thought I'd share with you where I found some of my current clients: NFP in the arbor industry - a 90 min speed networking event NFP in the employment sector - a referral from a fellow VA Professional … [Read more...]
Confusion reigns – employee or contractor?
Once again the topic about employee vs contractor raises its head. It gets particularly complicated here in Australia, for example, when our tax office (ATO) confuses the general public out there what it means. And then we also get remote offshore employees who work for agencies, charging very low hourly/weekly/monthly rates providing similar services. And yet they are employees, not Virtual Assistants. The terminology gets mixed up and confused. And then enter tech gadgets that go by the … [Read more...]
Celebrating 25 years in business
Next Sunday, 24 March 2019, marks 25 years in business for me. My husband is going to take me out to celebrate. Have I made millions a year? No, although I can say it's been a healthy amount over that period of time. Enough to help support and feed our family, pay for office equipment, stationery, put our kids through various activities and clubs, contributed towards holidays, contributed toward our beloved garden at home, buy gifts for my husband and daughters, and pay for the various … [Read more...]
Facebook down?
Have you been missing Facebook? Many of us haven't had access to it for close to 24 hours - it's been down. So has Instagram for that matter. Now, that's all well and good, it's only a social media tool, right? Wrong! Many use it for marketing. But what if that is your ONLY form of marketing, or networking, or connecting with potential and current clients? You're basically stuffed - or, at least, your business is put on hold. This is a good example of why you should not depend on one … [Read more...]
New website per member!
I'm thrilled to share that I've partnered with an Australian based web design company to offer all of our VA Directory members a website. It has a 30 day free trail to play with it and, after that, if the VA decides they want to keep it, it's just a small monthly fee. The sites are built in WordPress which means the VA can export the site to another server further down the track, if they wish, and they can modify it as they wish, as they get familiar with the workings of WordPress. Google and … [Read more...]
No, not everyone can be a VA
Seems, these days, that if someone is between jobs, seeking to run a business but has no idea what, or has a job they hate and want to leave, the common cry is 'Why not become a VA? Anyone can do it!' Well, I'm here to say that's not the case. Not everyone. It takes a special set of skills but also a mindset and I would go so far as to say, a certain personality as well. Yes, most people can use a computer these days, but that doesn't mean they're good at it. Yes, most people are on the … [Read more...]
The Value of Professional Development
Regular readers here will know that I often write and talk about the importance of networking and belonging to groups to help build both you, and your business. I came across a post today, written by fellow long-time VA, Kathy Colaiacovo who is based in Canada. She shares about Professional Development: How One Membership brought her $625,000 + in Revenue. Well worth the read. If you've ever questioned how belonging to VA Networks and other business groups, going to conferences and other … [Read more...]
Can you afford NOT to have a VA?
It's interesting seeing posts on social media from time to time, asking for an 'affordable VA'. The operative word being 'affordable'. And this can mean many things, depending on where you live, what currency you work with, and what you're currently earning yourself and so on. It's really quite relative, isn't it? What people really need to think about is how much time they'd like to free up so they can continue to build their business. If you're spending 2-10 hours a month on admin, … [Read more...]
Just because I provide admin support…
doesn't automatically make me an employee. So many clients out there assume that because Virtual Assistants provide administrative and other office based support, that makes them an employee. It doesn't. Even some accountants are advising this is the case. At least here in Australia. So important for you, whether you're a VA or a client, to understand what being a Virtual Assistant means, in Australia, the US, UK, New Zealand and other western countries. VAs are independent contractors … [Read more...]