Digital transcription is a popular choice of service provision for many Virtual Assistants and when new VAs join the industry they often see many of these jobs being promoted via the various VA networks. They're quick to jump on board to offer this as a service too. However, fast and accurate typing isn't the only skill that's required for providing transcription support. You also need to have the ability to spell accurately, know where to put in items such as commas, fullstops, semi-colons, … [Read more...]
How to get started as a Virtual Assistant
If you've been a Virtual Assistant for awhile, you're probably like me, and get many approaches from those who want to be a VA but have no idea where to start. Often they will ask if you have work you can pass on to them. I had someone recently contact me after seeing me on LinkedIn, to find out if I had a friend or someone who would like a Virtual Assistant. This was my response to her: I am a Virtual Assistant and if I’m going to refer any of my clients to a VA, it would have to be a VA I’m … [Read more...]
Reasons for using a Virtual Assistant
In this series I've been covering why someone would want to become a Virtual Assistant, why a VA might want to join a VA Network and now why a client would use a VA, or VAs. Generally most business owners start up a business because they're good at doing something and they want to run the show themselves, instead of answering to a boss. That's all well and good, but with business ownership, comes all those other things that also need to be done, to keep the business running smoothly, the … [Read more...]
Reasons for joining a VA Network
There are many reasons why people become Virtual Assistants. I've often shared the importance of joining a VA Network. Why is that? There are a number of reasons: Most VA Networks have their own discussion forums. Community. This industry is very much built on community and when you're working home alone all day, being able to connect with others online is a saving grace. Being able to learn from others without necessarily paying for that learning. Joining in and sharing your knowledge … [Read more...]
Reasons for becoming a Virtual Assistant
I've come across so many stories as to why people have chosen to become a Virtual Assistant. For me it was about family and has always been that. I began before the internet and in those days we were known as home-based secretaries. But the reasons why were the same. Fed up with corporate life and the rat race. Fed up with driving into the city and back every day, or being stuck because a train has broken down. Fed up with office politics and all that went with it. Fed up with being blocked … [Read more...]
OH&S Tips for Virtual Assistants
I was putting the washing from the washing machine to the dryer and thinking about how often I've done this over the years. Not usually on weekends or evenings, as many in regular 9-5 jobs would do, but during the daytime, while taking a break from my business. Right from day 1 of my business I have tried to ensure that I am operating in a way that is best for my body and my health. Only six months before I began my business I had done an OH&S course with the corporation I worked for, and … [Read more...]
Open a LinkedIn account without adding your address book.
I had a colleague email me the other day. He'd been wanting to accept invitations sent to him to connect at LinkedIn, but every time he tried, LinkedIn was wanting to access his Gmail address book before he could go any further. So he would stop and not proceed. It's been a long time since I opened my account at LinkedIn but I know that you don't have to let LI access your address book. Once he sent me a snapshot of what he was getting, I was able to tell him what he could do, to open an … [Read more...]
Let them know your number!
Does anyone else find it annoying that business people just sign off their emails with their name and no contact details whatsoever? Just sometimes, I'd like to pick up the phone and I have to do a search through previous emails or a Google search to find it. My next pet hate are websites that have no phone numbers on them. Perhaps they don't know how to set up an email signature block, but if that's the case, why not ask someone to help them? An admin assistant or a VA can definitely … [Read more...]
Local networking is important
A question I see asked time and again on the VA and business forums are 'how do I find more clients?', or 'how do I get my name out there?' The answer is, and always has been 'networking'. Networking is one of the most important activities that is required of a business owner. You can do everything you can think of, set up great systems, design a fantastic website, have all your paperwork in place but if you don't actually spend time connecting with people, very few are going to find you. And … [Read more...]