It’s that time of year again when people take stock of what’s transpired for the past almost twelve months and reflect on what could have been versus on what has been. Has it been a good year for you? Did you set goals and achieve them? Did you set goals and not achieve them? Perhaps the job you currently have has you disillusioned and you’re looking for something else? Perhaps you’ve come to realise that the job you have isn’t as secure as you once thought. I know those feelings although the time I felt them was a long time ago, almost 20 years ago. The job market seems to have grown smaller in many ways. But then again, opportunities have also grown considerably during those years.
One thing that remains constant is that the internet continues to provide ways to work for many. More and more businesses are realising that they need to do business online, but not only that, they can source the services and products they need for their businesses online as well. And I doubt that there is any business around these days, that doesn’t have a competitor online. Because that is where most people are now looking when they need or want something.

So, what about you? What do you want for the new year? Are you thinking of becoming your own boss? Do you have good computer skills and are internet savvy? If so, then you could become a Virtual Assistant, working from your own home office, being available to family when needed, and building up your own client base.
I run Australia’s oldest Virtual Assistant Network and it is the second oldest in the world. While I have been in business since March 1994, the network has been operative since April 1996. My first member was (and still is) based in Los Angeles, USA. My next oldest members (in terms of how long they’ve been members) are located here in Melbourne, Australia, with many others throughout the country. We also have many members in other countries too.
While I cannot guarantee how much work you’ll get, I can tell you this, if you’re good at what you can do, if you pay attention to detail, spend time getting to know our industry, participate in all that is offered to you as a member of our VA Directory network, then you will gain clients and build up a good business.
Some join our network and are ready to run with it, picking up clients quickly. Others take a bit longer. When you join to become a member of our VA team, you are provided with a small booklet with advice and guidance in setting up your business, brochures you can use to give out to prospective clients, a listing on our website, access to our job leads listings, a free email account (if you need one) and membership of our VA chat forum where you can mix and mingle, and learn from other VAs. For those who feel they need extra help in getting started, we also have a 10 week VA Training Course available.
If this is something you’ve been thinking about for sometime, then now is as good a time as any, to get started. All you have to do is fill out the registration form to become a member of our Virtual Assistant Network, submit your resume and subscription fee (charged annually) and we can get you added to the team in a very short time. Hope to see you join us very soon!
Oh, and by the way, because you’ll be classed as a self-employed business owner/operator, all fees you pay are a taxable expense.
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