Each virtual assistant works as an independent contractor in their own business. Some work full-time and some part-time and also in temporary positions. Because they work independently, prices vary amongst VAs, plus they are in many countries around the world, so feel free to shop around. Please understand that until the work is sighted, it is sometimes difficult to accurately price a job. Thought to consider: The speed and experience of one VA may mean they charge higher than another VA who … [Read more...]
Why Use a VA?
Why would you use a Virtual Assistant? Consider the following: 1. You want or need regular or ad-hoc administrative support but don't have suitable office space, a spare desk, a spare computer, the relevant software, or perhaps you just highly value your space and don't want to share it. 2. You can't afford to pay for someone xx number of hours a week as well as their superannuation, taxes, workcover and other insurances, and leave loading. 3. You don't want to give someone else the key to … [Read more...]
Outsourcing or Offshoring?
There has been a lot of talk and many articles printed about the benefits of Offshoring as opposed to Outsourcing locally. There has also been great debate about whether the cheaper costs of Offshoring are outweighed by the benefits of Outsourcing locally. Within a space of a few short years it has become evident that not all cases of offshoring have been beneficial with the end user (the consumer) becoming disgruntled with trying to communicate with telemarketers who do not understand the … [Read more...]