There are many reasons why VAs become VAs and one of those many reasons could simply be because daycare for your children has become far too expensive. I know and appreciate that daycare givers also need to be compensated for their time and expertise but all the same, it is often far beyond what most households can afford. So the thought of working at home becomes one that is entertained often. I know, because I was there over 16 years ago.
Racing home to get kids to clubs on time, or trying to find care for them when they were sick were things that became a juggling act and were too hard to keep up. So I decided to start working from home using the new computer we’d just bought. I had no idea I’d still be doing the same over 16 years later – and loving being home!
My family (daughters and my husband) have all appreciated the fact that I’m home fulltime and once they got over the thought that I was there simply to run their errands, we settled into a routine, knowing that mum/wife was operating a business and dedicated to her work.
If you have good computer based skills, and know how to use the internet for uploading and downloading files, then you too could become a Virtual Assistant and end those days of chaos running the family around and getting to a job on time. Working for yourself, you call the shots and decide the hours you’ll work and when you can have time off to run kids around as needed. You’re the boss!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kathie M. Thomas and VADirectorynet, Alexandra Popovic. Alexandra Popovic said: Daycare too expensive? Work at home! (via @KathieMT) […]