If you don’t already provide a newsletter to existing and prospective clients, now is as good a time as any to start thinking about it and preparing one. Perhaps you might feel you have nothing to say, or perhaps you don’t feel confident in your own writing ability. But don’t despair because you can get good articles from any of the article submission sites available online, such as www.goarticles.com, www.articlecity.com, www.ezinearticles.com, www.ideamarketers.com and others. The authors are always happy to see their articles in print, providing acknowledgement is given to them. Using articles that are a value-add for your clients is worth doing, instead of a hard-sell – it’s about keeping in touch with your clients on a regular basis so they don’t forget you exist, whilst giving them useful information at the same time. A good rule is to make it a minimum every 90 days, but generally a monthly newsletter is well accepted.
If you enjoy writing, then you could consider submitting articles to the sites I listed – don’t forget to add a paragraph with a brief bio and your contact information – as others will use your articles if they like them. This helps give you exposure to a greater audience as well.
For those not subscribed but who may have an interest, my latest newsletter is available at http://www.vadirectory.net/newsletters/acsnewsjun06.htm. The two topics are Blogs and RSS Feeds. KMT
By the way – if you would like to learn about blogging and don’t know how to get started or what to do, you can join BloggingLearners!
Wise after the event…