I’m still tweaking it, but now have Virtual Assistant – THE Blog housed on my own server, using WordPress. I’ve been learning this program for just over a couple of months now and have been able to successfully import this blog from its previous home. Please do update your bookmarks to http://www.vadirectory.net/blog/ for new posts or, if you haven’t already done so, subscribe to my blog at the left of screen and new posts will be automatically emailed to you. KMT
blog theme, blog template, wordpress, virtual assistant, blog subscribe
Stevious says
You have to edit index.php in the Sharepoint Like theme. The original author coded the tags for Category and Comments in the ASCII code representation of the Bulgarian characters, so it’s not obvious where to make the change unless you look at an English theme’s index.php.
Start here:
As an example…
kathiemt says
Thanks Stevious but it’s not editable and I have been a frequent visitor to the support forums to try and find out how to make it editable. I’ll get in touch with you. Kathie
Stevious says
If you have shell/root access to the server where Worpress is installed, you can change the permissions to make it writable. The file should be will be in a directory like: /var/www/html/blog/wp-content/themes/sharepointlike
(depending on your server configuration)
Log in as root, change to the sharepointlike directory and enter: chmod +w index.php
Otherwise, if you only have ftp access, you can download the file to your local PC, edit it, and then ftp it back up to the server…