There has been a lot of talk and many articles printed about the benefits of Offshoring as opposed to Outsourcing locally. There has also been great debate about whether the cheaper costs of Offshoring are outweighed by the benefits of Outsourcing locally.
Within a space of a few short years it has become evident that not all cases of offshoring have been beneficial with the end user (the consumer) becoming disgruntled with trying to communicate with telemarketers who do not understand the local customs, language terminologies and usability of items, let alone the geographics and demographics of a country not their own. Add to that the troubles that some financial institutions have experienced with the unscrupulous activities of offshore operators and the difficulties involved in charging them for their criminal acts, and outsourcing locally begins to look considerably more attractive. Where there may have been an initial $$ saving, it appears this has really only been a short-term saving – long-term it sometimes tells a different story.
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