I’ve been feeling a bit down of late. A couple of pieces of sad news had come my way and things have been going somewhat crazy in my own life and business. I haven’t been feeling as much in control of my time as I usually like to be and also had to take over a project for a fellow VA who has had an unexpected life change take place. This added to the ‘stress’ of what was already happening but, as a Network owner, I have to accept that sometimes that’s the way it is and I’m here to support my members.
Add to that an event happening at the end of this week that I need to be at, another on Sunday because of a role I have in my life outside of my business (Rotary) and sometimes I realise that maybe I bite off more than I can chew. Easy to feel weighted down as a result.
And then comes a phone call from a fellow VA wanting a minute or two of my time and I agreed because that’s why I’m here – to help my fellow VAs. And I do love this industry very much. Had I told this person I didn’t have the spare time I would have missed what I very much needed. Some words of encouragement and thanks for what I do for the industry and how I’ve helped this person, even though I hadn’t really known that. And the potential for something new to be a part of my business so waiting to hear more details on this possible project.
If someone is instrumental in your life and business in some way – make sure you let them know. It’s always good to think it but others don’t hear your thoughts. So voice them or write them and share them – something because you just never know when the recipient really needs to hear what has been on your mind. It may just make their day shine when they really needed it.

Kathie is the former owner of VA Directory and is former past President of the Australian VA Association. She founded the Virtual Assistant industry in Australia in the mid 90s, having already been operating a home-based secretarial service. Today the VA industry covers a multitude of office-based services for clients worldwide.
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